Bessy’s Puppies – 5 Weeks Old

I have 2 tricolor females available in this litter.

Rocco is reserved. 

Marcel is reserved. 

Jasper is reserved. 

Abella is reserved. 

Tilly is available.  

Josie is available. 

We have never had a puppy with so much white!

Naboo is reserved. 

Lotte is reserved. 

4 thoughts on “Bessy’s Puppies – 5 Weeks Old

  1. Are Cassie, Abella,, Tillie, or Josie still available?
    How much are they?
    Where are you located?
    Are they all Cavachon?
    We have been having medical issues, but everything turned out fine with no problems. Thus we are back in the hunt for a puppy or young female hypoallergenic dog.

    1. The puppies you mentioned are all
      Beagliers. We do not currently have any Cavachons available. I will reply to your email ASAP. Thanks.

  2. what Cavachons preferably female do you still have available?
    We have been having medical issues, but everything turned out fine with no problems. Thus we are back in the hunt for a puppy or young female hypoallergenic dog.

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