Dixie’s Puppies – 3 Weeks Old March 27, 2019March 27, 2019 There are 2 males and 2 females available in Dixie’s litter. BoysBoys BoysBoysBoys BoysBoys BoysGirls Girls Girls GirlsGirlsGirlsGirlsGirls
Cricket’s Puppies – 1 Week Old Cricket has 5 boys and 4 girls. One of these puppies is reserved, but the rest are available. The boys.…
Assata’s Girls – 2 Weeks! Assata’s puppies are doing very well … she has four girls and they’re all big and chunky! Their eyes have…
Do you have any females left in Dixie’s puppies, and if so when will they be ready to go?
I have 2 females available and they’re ready for their new homes on April 18th.