Yalili’s Puppies – 6 Weeks!

Hey everyone!

Yalili’s puppies are almost 7 weeks old, and one of them (Turner) already went home – wow time flies!  I am having so much fun with these little fellas … they are all sooo sweet and adorable!  I usually always have a favorite of the litter, but I honestly don’t know which I would choose of them … they are all so unique and special in different ways!

Here’s TaylorIMG_3209

He didn’t seem very impressed with being stuck in a mailbox 🙂IMG_3220




With his surrogate mom … for those of you who aren’t aware, Fiona miscarried her litter two weeks before her due date, so she became “second mom” to this litter, and is such a great mom to them when Yalili gets tired of taking care of them! Please excuse her terrible haircut (or lack thereof!)IMG_3229 2

Playing with Tucker … see his little tongue sticking out??!IMG_3216

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Of course Yalili had to come in and photo-bomb as usual!IMG_3180

Tucker and Turner definitely favor Yalili more, where Toby is a lot like his daddy, and I think Taylor is right in the middle!IMG_3183

I’m not sure what they were watching, but apparently it was pretty important!IMG_3178

And last is TobyIMG_3150



He definitely has the soft Cavalier face and eyes 🙂IMG_3140



That’s all for now!

10 thoughts on “Yalili’s Puppies – 6 Weeks!

  1. Hello… My name is susan manor and we are the proud owners of a rather large but beautiful cavachon. (She’s 27 pounds). I have a friend who is desperate to find a sweet dog like mine. My friend has MS and needs a companion to help her in so many ways I know the love that cabochons can give would be so healing loving and fulfilling for her. Her husband is excited to have one as well. All these puppies that appear to be for sale are wonderful but I need to know what your prices are before I can recommend one for her Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much

    1. Thank you for commenting, Susan! I am sorry, but all of these puppies are actually reserved. The price is usually in the $900 range. If your friend would like to be put on a waiting list for a future litter, just drop us an email and we can go from there! Thank you and have a blessed evening.

  2. Do you have any Cavachon puppies available ? I would like a female , but am very interested in the male puppy Tucker. Please respond. Thank you.

    1. Hello, thank you for commenting. We do not have any available Cavachon puppies. We are expecting our next litter in August (approx.). Just let me know if you would like to be put on the waiting list for this litter and we can go from there! Have a blessed day.

  3. Hi! I would like to buy a beautiful Cavachon from your next litter. Can you please email me details. I have been looking for a while and my niece just got one from you and was very pleased.

    Thank you,

    Mary Rasch

    1. Hello Melodye,
      Thank you for commenting. I am sorry, but we do not have any available Cavachon puppies right now. We are expecting our next litter in August (approx.). Please let me know if you would like to be put on the waiting list for this litter and we can go from there! Thanks and have a blessed day.

  4. Hello,
    My name is Jeanette McMorrow and I would like to be on a waiting list for a female cavachon. I am filing out the paper now and putting a deposit with it.
    Thank-you very much.

    1. Hello Jeanette,
      Thanks for commenting and for letting us know. We will send you a receipt as soon as we receive your application form and deposit. Thanks and have a blessed day.

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