Assata’s Litter ~ 4 weeks old

Hey everyone! Between having multiple puppy litters going home, being out of the office then swamped once I returned, it has been a bit crazy around here 🙂 I finally have pictures of Assata’s litter though!

The puppies belong to my sister Hannah’s family and it looks like all of them are reserved, or in the process of being reserved.

I had so much fun spending time with my sister, nieces and grandmother yesterday … and really appreciated my niece Yael helping with the photoshoot 🙂

Miss Rita

Miss Rosie

Miss Riley

Miss Raven

Mr. Rosco

Mr. Rex

Mr. Rover

Mr. Rocky

Have a beautiful day!

5 thoughts on “Assata’s Litter ~ 4 weeks old

  1. Hi Ruthie and Hannah! We got “Tundra,” now named Cotton from you a few years ago. I was looking at this chocolate and black litter online. If any of your reservations fall through, we may be interested in another one! Feel free to reach out if you have one leftover.

  2. Hi Ruthie.

    We bought Maggie from Lydia. Can you have her send me a message I wanted to share something with her

    Thank you-
    Roberta Davis

  3. Hello,
    My family is interested in adopting two beaglier puppies. I have done a lot of research and you seem to be a reputable breeder. We live in Pennsylvania where we have many puppy mills. I would like to know more about your beaglier puppies.

    1. Hello Tana, thank you for writing. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. It will probably be mid 2021 before we have any Beagliers available.

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